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Digitise your legacy paper processes and move closer to a paperless world 

Digitising paper documents allows your business to work to its optimum. Rapid ingestion of information to staff whether onsite or agile, sharing documents instantly and key word searching all helps to maximise the efficiency of your business, improve your customer experience, cut costs and add a whole new edge to your business proposition.

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Our technology armour allows for all applications and volumes, providing scalable solutions that are customised to you. We consider the link of other digital inputs and outputs to ensure a transition that just works.

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Physcial documents such as mail and archiving can be scanned to create a digital version. These images are then ingested and processed to allow for automatic filing of documents in your designated repository (Sharepoint, Salesforce, SAP etc) based on the rules set by your business

A wide range of scanning solutions are available from desktop box scanners, flat bed scanners to automatic envelope opening, extraction and scanning desks to help automate the labour process.

Our technology is smart, it learns from any manual interventions i.e. where staff are required to review and route documents where the software is at first unsure. A similar or same format document when next received would prompt a 'is this for ...' response, if correct the next time received it could just automatically route

We don't just focus on physical documents, emails received with attachments, social media messages, sms, faxs etc can all be processed in the same way.

Staff and Teams can work from documents on a PC, Tablet or mobile devices whether onsite or offsite.


Documents can be keyword searched to speed up reviews when looking for specific content.

Processes and document reviews can all be monitored and reported on Review and report on to ensure as a business you are in control of your data and who has access to it.

The world has changed significantly over the last few decades, with the requirement and desire to work with paper diminishing extensively. As a result businesses are faced with the challenge of navigating the legacy paper work and the digital data world.


Our expertise allows businesses to digitise legacy paper based information in a searchable and compliant manner, as well as capturing incoming mail, email and web transactions all of which typically make up 3/4 of business processes.


Our technology often yields an ROI in just a few months, with additional benefits of putting your staff in contact with the relevant data they require, faster and regardless of whether they areworking from the office or on the move. No longer will you have to read through pages of documentation, or pull for achive boxes to be pulled from storage, everything can be at your fingertips in seconds.


By integrating this technology, your business will have a multi channel platform allowing you to receive; Paper, emails with attachments, web forms, faxes, sms, social media, EDI, XML and web service calls and connect to remote scanning devices.


Ensure your staff have access to all the information to allow for informed decisions.


A customised solution that fits your business, its terms and operational processes.


React and respond quickly to your clients


Provide technology commonly expected by both clients and employees​


Reduce your carbon footprint


Process analytics - become aware of your true bottlenecks to continually move your business forwards

Save Money

Promote agile working


Reduce Office printer/MFD requirements 


Release staff time by providing them faster access to data


Reduce archive storage and retrieval costs

Save Time

Allow staff to work faster and smarter


Reduce your response and actions times on client interactions


Further enhance and automate current digitisation processes

Tailored solutions to modernise your business.

Find out more about how digitisation mail can benefit your business....

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